I need to reconstruct here
Scheduled in late Aug (for real?)
Just uploaded a cat dancing around, no progress.
That's how depression be like, you cry yourself to sleep for three hours and wake up in midnight and blankly stare at ceiling for another three hours, imagine maybe you should get up to do something, anything, and you do nothing.
Oh, eventually I'll get up to eat something -> b/p -> headache from vomiting -> drowsy so sleep again -> wake up and be late for another lecture. I'll be there anyway, just late. And tell any counselor that everything is okay and I can handle these.
That's how depression work. I know I shouldn't and I mustn't let this keep going so gosh maybe I really need to get some antidepressant prescription.
I copied these codes from here and I wondered if this work...hmm...
YEP and WOW that's a LOT of work! Proud of you for a minute or so and we get back to grind more let's gooooo
So I'm new to coding and HTML, before I can make this site more like a webpage, I need to go through some tutorials Currently there won't be too many updates beside text logs like this ;3
I do not have a name. Or, I have too many names.
Language preference: EN/CH
This is Phia from G7 (yeah a shorter name for Genesis7)
Say Hi to everyone (^w^)/